Delone, William H.

Topic Weight Topic Terms
0.713 success model failure information impact variables failures delone suggested dimensions mclean reasons variable finally categories
0.461 research researchers framework future information systems important present agenda identify areas provide understanding contributions using
0.361 small business businesses firms external firm's growth size level expertise used high major environment lack
0.295 satisfaction information systems study characteristics data results using user related field survey empirical quality hypotheses
0.198 firms firm financial services firm's size examine new based result level including results industry important
0.177 usage use self-efficacy social factors individual findings influence organizations beliefs individuals support anxiety technology workplace
0.174 factors success information critical management implementation study factor successful systems support quality variables related results
0.157 effects effect research data studies empirical information literature different interaction analysis implications findings results important
0.146 executive information article systems presents eis executives overview computer-based scanning discusses investigation support empirical robert
0.137 percent sales average economic growth increasing total using number million percentage evidence analyze approximately does
0.126 taxonomy systems different concept isd alternative generalization mechanistic distinction types generalizability theoretical speech richer induction
0.119 instrument measurement factor analysis measuring measures dimensions validity based instruments construct measure conceptualization sample reliability
0.100 information management data processing systems corporate article communications organization control distributed department capacity departments major

Focal Researcher     Coauthors of Focal Researcher (1st degree)     Coauthors of Coauthors (2nd degree)

Note: click on a node to go to a researcher's profile page. Drag a node to reallocate. Number on the edge is the number of co-authorships.

Mclean, Ephraim R. 2
Information systems success 2 computer use 1 computer usage 1 data processing management 1
evaluation of information systems 1 Firm Size 1 Information systems assessment 1 IS success 1
impact of information technology 1 INFORMATION QUALITY 1 Measurement 1 small business computer systems. 1
small vs. large 1 Small business 1 SERVICE QUALITY 1 Systems Quality 1
use of information systems 1 USER SATISFACTION 1

Articles (4)

The DeLone and McLean Model of Information Systems Success: A Ten-Year Update. (Journal of Management Information Systems, 2003)
Authors: Abstract:
    Ten years ago, we presented the DeLone and McLean Information Systems (IS) Success Model as a framework and model for measuring the complex-dependent variable in IS research. In this paper, we discuss many of the important IS success research contributions of the last decade, focusing especially on research efforts that apply, validate, challenge, and propose enhancements to our original model. Based on our evaluation of those contributions, we propose minor refinements to the model and propose an updated DeLone and McLean IS Success Model. We discuss the utility of the updated model for measuring e-commerce system success. Finally, we make a series of recommendations regarding current and future measurement of IS success.
Information Systems Success: The Quest for the Dependent Variable. (Information Systems Research, 1992)
Authors: Abstract:
    A large number of studies have been conducted during the last decade and a half attempting to identify those factors that contribute to information systems success. However, the dependent variable in these studies—I/S success —has been an elusive one to define. Different researchers have addressed different aspects of success, making comparisons difficult and the prospect of building a cumulative tradition for I/S research similarly elusive. To organize this diverse research, as well as to present a more integrated view of the concept of I/S success, a comprehensive taxonomy is introduced. This taxonomy posits six major dimensions or categories of I/S success—SYSTEM OUALITY, INFORMATION QUALITY, USE, USER SATISFACTION, INDIVIDUAL IMPACT, and ORGANIZATIONAL IMPACT. Using these dimensions, both conceptual and empirical studies are then reviewed (a total of 180 articles are cited) and organized according to the dimensions of the taxonomy. Finally, the many aspects of I/S success are drawn together into a descriptive model and its implications for future I/S research are discussed.
Determinants of Success for Computer Usage in Small Business. (MIS Quarterly, 1988)
Authors: Abstract:
    This field study investigates the factors that affect the successful use of computer-based information systems (CBIS) by small business. The 93 manufacturing firms surveyed had fewer than 300 employees, less than $30 million in annual sales revenues, and had been using computers for at least three months. The principal findings showed that chief executive knowledge of computers and involvement in computerization leads to more successful computer use in small manufacturing firms. The use of on-site computers also has a positive effect on computer success.
Firm Size and the Characteristics of Computer Use. (MIS Quarterly, 1981)
Authors: Abstract:
    This article studies the proposition that firms of different sizes manage their computer operations differently, and it seeks to determine whether small firms face special circumstances in their uses of computers. The author presents several hypotheses which associate computer related variables with differences in firm size. These hypotheses are tested using data collected from seventy-four Los Angeles manufacturing firms of various sizes. The results indicate that selected computer-use characteristics vary with firm size. These research findings and their implications are discussed.